I got my Starbucks planner last year during my birthday with the help of my good friend for the stickers ๐Ÿ™‚
I choose the color brown ๐Ÿ™‚ I believe everyone likes the brown one. The Starbucks planner for 2015 has four colors to choose from four colors only the brown one stands out which comes in a different design with a Siren holding a cup of coffee, while the other three is plain color of green, red and black with Starbucks logo.
The 2015 planner is carefully and nicely wrapped in a foil pack which comes with the following;
1. It comes with a name tag bookmark
2. Coffee pin bookmark
3. Chalk pen with highlighter
4. Fifteen coupons with starbucks treats
What I love with this planner
1. I love the simple design
2. I love the size itโ€™s perfect for my everyday bag
3. Itโ€™s a light weight planner
4. I love the paper it comes with a good quality and thick
5. Bigger spaces for notes
Excited to fill this planner with my 2015 notes, goals, plans and my everyday moments

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