It’s been a while since the last time that I play online games. The last time that I tried years ago the Cafe world on Facebook. There was a time in the middle of the night I have to wake up and check what is happening in my cafe. When I get pregnant, I stopped because I need to focus on my health.
Today, I discovered something new you don’t need to download it just simply go to their website and select the games that you want to play. I enjoy there are a lot of games and it is categorized.
Since I am already a mom and my stress reliever is doing grocery the first game that I play is the Tap Supermarket under-stimulation section. I had fun with this one at first I got confused about how to restock eventually I go with the flow.

The highest score that I got in one try is 42,000 because I keep on buying stocks 🙂
The next thing that I tried Super Tetris which bring me back to memory lane this is my favorite game when I was in high school. Now I need to practice again, what I love with this game also the background music is relaxing. Try it for yourself 🙂
I let my son try it, the first thing that he did was the Fight Virus since we are pandemic 🙂
The next one is Flight sim where he enjoys and as of the moment, he is still exploring some games. can be played thru desktop, laptop, tablet, and even mobile phone and it’s for free. You can enjoy everywhere, anytime and no ads while playing which can make you more relax.