by Mommy Anna | Feb 27, 2013 | My World
I have a PCOS (polycstic ovary syndrome), most women who has this syndrome will be having a difficulty in getting pregnant. But I’m so eager to get pregnant after the wedding. I was diagnosed PCOS year 2005, I was under medication year 2008, there was no really...
by Mommy Anna | Feb 27, 2013 | My World
Negative vibes now a days, I’m start questioning God why I’m in this situation right now, maybe He wants to test me, but still my faith holds on, I believe that everything has a purpose and things will end and I will feel better.On positive...
by Mommy Anna | Feb 20, 2013 | My World
Sherwin and I become a couple February 27,2006 on our first year its a getting to know each other, we go out of towns, movie and dinner date. As a couple we also do experience cool of stage, third party (mga ex n hindi matahimik he he he), against all odds etc. In our...