by Mommy Anna | Sep 2, 2014 | My Thoughts, What is Life to be a Working Mom Series
What its Life to be an Executive Assistant? I am an EA for more than 10 years already, and yes it’s nice, fun and stressful to be an EA especially if you are really working with the big bosses. But there will be a lot of perks once you gained the trust and respect of...
by Mommy Anna | Aug 22, 2014 | My Little Kulit Corner, My Thoughts
August is a breastfeeding month, I want to share my journey even its too late 🙂 I don’t have any pictures taken when I am breastfeeding my baby by that time but I have a lot of memories and great experiences while doing it. source Today, my Little Kulit will be...
by Mommy Anna | Aug 14, 2014 | My Events and Reviews, My Thoughts
Healthy eating and a strict diet has never been easy for me especially I don’t eat vegetables and I am not fan of dieting. Ever since I have a chubby figure, which I still consider myself as a sexy one, people who are close to me use to call me “Anna sexy”. My dad who...
by Mommy Anna | Aug 11, 2014 | My Married Life, My Thoughts, What is Life to be a Working Mom Series
As a working mom you have a lot of things do but you just have a little time as much as possible we really need to manage and maximize our time. If you are a working mom, your job will not stop in your office, when you got home there is another one waiting for you,...
by Mommy Anna | Jun 25, 2014 | My Little Kulit Corner, My Thoughts
Do you know the feeling when you are going home and thinking that you still have to attend the needs of your family? Lately I am always home at late night, but still I need to fulfill my mommy and wifey duties. That is life of a working mom. No matter how tired I am...
by Mommy Anna | Jun 23, 2014 | My Thoughts, What is Life to be a Working Mom Series
Why I don’t Blog on Weekends and Holidays? Do you know the feeling every Friday when you woke up and thinking the next two days will be the best days of your life source Usually I am MIA in the cyber world every weekend, because I devote my time to My Little Kuit and...